Meet Tempus Fugit Law

Experienced Legal Team With a Proven Track Record

Tempus Fugit Law is dedicated to assisting individuals, organizations and businesses in New York in achieving favorable resolutions for various legal matters. Our experienced team of attorneys is highly regarded in courtrooms throughout the Empire State for their exceptional litigation skills. Safeguarding your financial interests and reputation while ensuring accountability for those at fault is our mission. Our versatile practice encompasses a wide range of areas of expertise, including business disputes, corporate law, employment matters and discrimination cases.

Because every client is unique, we take a completely personalized approach to your case. During a complimentary and confidential consultation, we thoroughly assess the unique details of your situation and discuss potential strategies. From there, we can pair you with a New York attorney who possesses the most relevant expertise to handle your case effectively. In addition to this individualized attention, you will benefit from the collective strength of our entire legal team. Our roster comprises experienced attorneys specializing in various areas of New York law, including personal injury, employment law, contracts, business entity selection, sexual harassment, mergers and acquisitions, workers compensation and more.

You can count on us to provide exceptional representation and deliver the best possible outcomes for your legal matters. With our dedicated attorneys on your side, you can expect unwavering advocacy for your interests in courtrooms across the Empire State. We also explore mediation, alternative dispute resolution, and settlement options when advantageous to your case. Our strong track record in successful litigation has earned us a reputation that leads to higher settlement offers on a consistent basis. Our commitment to delivering comprehensive legal support extends to clients in NYC, Hudson Valley, The Capital Region and communities throughout New York.

Call us or email to begin
exploring your options with a free legal consultation today.